Why create Stop Dunking On Me?

A main reason I created Stop Dunking On Me is because I can no longer play hoops.

What happened is, a few years ago, a medical issue caused micro-fractures in my back. Since then, I can’t properly shoot a basketball.

You may have heard a rumour that I couldn't shoot before this. 

Ha! This is a fiction, a lie, created by the many hoopers who are still sad because I crushed them with my poetic jumper* 

Enough about me. You know what happens when you put on a T or hoodie you really connect with?

You feel unstoppable.

Our mission is to get you that feeling. 

...Added bonus: when your mood improves, that vibe spreads to the people around you.

It fits that you'll be pumping up the mood of the neighborhood because those are the peeps we're inspired by and committed to celebrating -- everyday hoopers, not the stars with max deals.

So, go grab your new favorite Stop Dunking On Me T! 

Hope you like the stuff. Drop a line, anytime.

- Al


*Okay, okay. My jumper was not poetic.